On February 11, 2024, the process of declaring assets has begun for the categories of licensed
doctors practicing in public institutions at the secondary and tertiary level, as well as for public
university professors, including assistant professors, associate professors and full professors.
Property declaration is now only done in electronic form. The deadline for declaration of assets for
doctors and professors is March 12, 2024.

Doctors, including dentists, engaged in regional hospitals and the university hospital center, have
been added to the list of public officials who are obliged to make their incomes, liabilities and assets
transparent. Similar to doctors, professors of all seven public universities in Kosovo, assistant,
associate and regular professors are obliged to declare their assets within 30 days from February 11.

Contact officers within hospitals and universities initially register doctors and professors in the
electronic system. Then the credentials, the username which is the official’s personal number and
the password, are sent to their email addresses to access the system. The system for professors and
doctors is open 24 hours a day until the end of the term. The system must report the current state,
at the time of the declaration, that is, the state of the property on the date of delivery on

The director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, Yll Buleshkaj, calls on all public officials to
fulfill this obligation within the deadline and in the most accurate way. He recalls that delays cause
the imposition of fines of 30% of the salary, while inaccuracies in reporting or non-reporting cause
the submission of criminal charges to the competent prosecutor’s office.